
Tips to Beautiful Nails

Women give a lot of stress on their hair, facial makeup and even what clothes and shoes they are wearing. But along with a great hairstyle and perfect makeup, you must take your nails very seriously. Healthy and well-manicured nails are an integral part of a neat and tidy appearance. In fact, your nails can work out as a valuable asset during your social and business meetings.

Unfortunately, both men and women fail to take care of their nails. And if they do take care of their nails, they many rely on the guidance of salons which can be an expensive affair.

Avoid making the mistake of cutting cuticles. While grooming your nails, do not touch the cuticles and leave them alone. The cuticle is the natural barrier to fungus and bacteria and when you cut them your nails will have no protection against infection. Any kind of nail infection can cause harm to the nail bed and lead to permanent nail damage.

There is no need to apply nail hardening creams on your nails as such products can do more damage than good. In case your nails are exceptionally weak and fragile, take help from a doctor.

You must apply some moisturizer on the cuticles to make them look better. Healthy cuticles will help protect nails from breaking. Also putting some moisturizer around the cuticle helps moisturize the entire nail bed, which will reduce the incidence of chipping, cracking, and splitting.

Start taking biotin supplements in order to increase nail thickness and prevent splitting and breaking. Along with biotin, silicon is another nutrient which is associated with nail health.

Often people have the habit of using professional manicure services but this should be avoided. Those you indulge in the luxury of a pedicure or manicure more frequently suffer from dry, brittle nails. This happens due to use of chemicals and harsher ingredients on the nails. So, it is better to opt for home manicure or pedicure.

Nail polish removers are often used but all such products are not good for your nails. You must especially avoid acetone-based nail polish removers as it can strip the nails of natural oil, making them brittle.

Do not use harsh emery boards as they can cause small fissures and cracks that can ultimately lead to breakage and tears on the nail surface. Choose a nail filer with a smooth, fine file and don’t saw back and forth. Instead, file your nails in one direction only, and do it slowly and evenly to reduce risk of breakage.

It is true that regular hand washing is a good habit but over doing it is not at all good for your nails. As soon as you wash your hand, apply some moisturizer and rub a little extra around the cuticles. 

Avoid coming in contact with harsh chemicals when doing household works. It is recommended to wear rubber gloves whenever possible while washing dishes or clothes.

If a shampoo is not working for your hair, change it. Shampoos containing harsh chemicals can even cause damage to your nails. The chemicals used in shampoos can strip the oils from your nails as well as your scalp. It is better to use herbal shampoos that contain natural ingredients.

Avoid nail extensions as they can lead to fungal or even bacterial infections and can even cause permanent damage to your nails. If you must wear nail extensions, opt for just the nail tips only. This way the damage will be less.

You can keep your nails healthy by focusing on cleanliness. For clean and healthy nails, take a bowl of olive oil and soak your nails in it. Leave them in it for 10 minutes and then wipe off excess oil with a cotton ball.

Once or twice a week gently massage your nails with milk cream. Massage both your fingernails and toenails for a few minutes and then wipe off the cream with a clean cloth.

Watch your nails for signs of health problems. The American Academy of Dermatology advises that the condition of your nails can reflect a problem in your overall health. For instance white nails indicate liver problems, whereas pale nail beds are a sign of anemia.

These points will help to make your nails look beautiful that can add to your confidence level. Also perfectly shaped and clean nails will complete your appearance.

Tips to Beautiful Nails  Tips to Beautiful Nails Reviewed by sikharamtv dot com on 8:32 AM Rating: 5

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